SSI Lawyer in California with GCWC

Workers Compensation in Grass Valley

SSI Lawyer in California with GCWC

If you need an SSI or Social Security lawyer in California look to the professionals at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center. Our attorneys know the ins and outs of Social Security Disability claims. we also have a deep understanding of navigating the laws of the benefits unique to California residents. In the state of California, for example, there is a law that deducts a small portion of your paycheck. This deduction is deposited into a social disability fund, to which is accessed to pay benefits to you if you medically cannot perform your regular work.

Hiring an SSI or Social Security lawyer in California will give you insight into which programs and services work best for your circumstances. Each program has pros, cons, and benefits, and sometimes there’s a possibility to qualify for more than one at a time.

Outside of California specific laws and programs, SSI and SSD are available to any citizen or legal resident who can prove they qualify or meet the needs to activate this benefit. If you have questions about whether you qualify for benefits, you should contact an SSI Lawyer in Sacramento as soon as possible. SSI lawyers do not charge an upfront fee, and may even work pro bono. It is in your best interest to seek one out if you intend to seek SSI or SSD benefits.

Qualifying for SSI benefits is not easy and has a strict vetting process. Being diagnosed with a serous illness or medical condition itself isn’t cause for disability, the courts want to see how the illness or injury has genuinely prevented you from being able to work. This can mean a myriad of stress-inducing questions and forms to fill out, which is why having a lawyer by your side is not only advantageous but a great support system.

Attorneys Kim LaValley and Kyle Adamson of Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center have worked for many years on behalf of their clients pursuing Social Security benefits and have an excellent record in winning their cases. They have received praise for their work from many specialists in the field, including witnesses called by the government to testify against their clients. Please call us for a consultation at…



Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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Social Security Attorney Information

Social Security Attorney

Social Security Attorney Information

When it comes to filing a Social Security Disability claim, there is probably a no better person to assist than a Social Security Attorney.  The Social Security Administration (SSA) have representatives processing your claim for disability benefits, whether SSDI or SSI, but their job is to deny your claim unless you clearly qualify as “disabled” under SSA’s definitions.   Sometimes things can seem unfair or even difficult to understand why you could be denied.

This is why a Social Security Attorney will fight for you to get your benefits since they have a more personal understanding of how your conditions affect you. A lawyer will also have a more watchful eye on what terminology should be used when it comes to filing appropriate documents or when looking over your medical records.

You are encouraged to appeal any denials you receive, and a Social Security Attorney can help assist you and make sure it gets filed on time. There are timelines and limitations to all these procedures, which could be taxing to someone with disabilities. Hiring an Attorney sooner in the application process means less headache and better results. In fact, if it gets to the hearing level, having a lawyer’s presence can help strengthen the validity of your claim. The Administrative Law Judge present will also not hesitate to use terminology or ask questions that the average person wouldn’t know.

Once you call a Social Security Attorney for a consultation, they can determine whether your physical or mental conditions will qualify you for disability benefits and will direct you on which one you would want to apply for. From then, they will help you with gathering the appropriate evidence.

There is no up-front cost to hiring a Social Security attorney. Once your claim is won and Social Security calculates the back due payments owed to you, any fee requests an Attorney submits is contingent on winning the case, must be below the legal maximum (generally $6000) and has to be approved by the SSA first. Once it’s found reasonable by SSA or if after a trial, a Judge, then the payment will be due.

Gold Country is a law firm dedicated to your needs and will fight to get you what you deserve. Not only do we have the knowledge and experience to help with a Social Security Disability claim, but we can also assist you with Workers’ Comp or help you determine what other disability benefits you can qualify for. We can give you a free consultation and begin assisting you right away, so please call us at:



Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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Supplemental Security Income

Disability law

If you are considering applying for Supplemental Security Income or filing a Social Security Disability claim through the Social Security Administration, here’s a few things you need to be aware of. Most US citizens qualify for a disability program if they meet certain requirements. For one thing, Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB), you must earn enough work credits to qualify and be expected to be out of work for twelve months or more  because of a medical condition that prevents you from working any job. Now, for SSA to determine if your conditions are considered a disability, there are a variety of different forms and documentation you need to provide. This is the case for both DIB and for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The only difference between the two, is that for a disabled claimant to qualify for SSI, you have to be under a certain income level or that you have not worked enough quarters to qualify for the better DIB program.

For some people, this could be the only program they qualify for. For example, even before someone becomes disabled, they could have stopped working for various reasons. But SSA doesn’t just count wages as a valid kind of income. Monetary assistance, other than government provided such as food stamps, inheritance, spouse’s income, and more could render a claimant ineligible. This is why it’s also wise to be wary of leaving work while not disabled, since down the line you never know if you too will become disabled and need to apply for SSI or for DIB.  Leaving work upon medical advice of a doctor is a very helpful piece of evidence in support of a disability claim.

Once you provide the necessary documents to Social Security, which could include medical records, list of medications, present or prior marriage information, amongst other things, they may ask you for additional medical evaluations paid for by them so they can get a second opinion.  The SSA might also send you various forms and questionnaires to fill out which could give them very valuable perspective on how your conditions affect you day-to-day.

A perspective:  the paperwork is not a job application—For example, don’t describe yourself as the “manager” of a business or a department if you are just the senior person in the business or department.  “Managers” have various skills that could make you employable in other contexts, meaning you are not disabled.

The process of applying for Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability (DIB) can be long and arduous, and it may even be escalated to the hearing level. While you might think that you should call an Attorney as a last resort (after you’ve been denied several times, for example), it’s almost always wise to have them be involved and familiarized with your claim from the very beginning. It could bring validity to the case as well as ensure you will get the medical evidence you need and everything else done correctly and on time.

There’s no up-front cost to you and fees are a fixed percentage only contingent on a successful outcome of the case, so you shouldn’t delay calling an Attorney to get assistance on how to move forward with a case. Call the lawyers at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center for a free consultation at 530-362-7188.

Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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SSI Lawyer in Sacramento

Disability law

SSI Lawyer in Sacramento with GCWC

If you need an SSI lawyer in Sacramento look no further than Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center. Our attorneys are equipped to handle Social Security Disability claims as well as other more specific programs that are available to California residents.

For example, in California, a small percentage of every employee’s paycheck is deducted and paid into a special disability insurance fund, called State Disability Insurance. If due to any medical reason you cannot perform you regular work, this will pay you disability benefits if you are not receiving comparable benefits elsewhere.

If you are disabled and have very limited income, you may qualify for benefit payments and employment assistance called “calWORKS”. Participation in an employment services program may be required. And of course, there are private insurance sources, and what each policy considers a disability and how they define the disabled will vary from insurance to insurance.

An SSI lawyer in Sacramento will be sure to guide you to a program that better fits your needs and more importantly that you might qualify for. Each program has pros, cons, and benefits, and sometimes there’s a possibility to qualify for more than one at a time.

Otherwise, Social Security Disability benefit programs (SSI and SSDI) are available to all United States citizens who have enough earnings history. If you have questions about whether you qualify for benefits, you should contact an SSI Lawyer in Sacramento as soon as possible. It doesn’t cost you any upfront money to hire one, and it’s generally recommended to get the process started as soon as you’re out of work. An attorney can help you at any stage from the application process all the way to a hearing if necessary.

In order to win an SSI claim it normally requires a lot more work and effort. It’s not enough to show documentation that you were diagnosed recently with a debilitating illness, they will investigate whether this deters you from working various jobs without limitations. This can mean a myriad of stress-inducing questions and forms to fill out, which is why having a lawyer by your side is not only advantageous but a great support system.

Attorneys Kim LaValley and Kyle Adamson of Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center have worked for many years on behalf of their clients pursuing Social Security benefits and have an excellent record in winning their cases. They have received praise for their work from many specialists in the field, including witnesses called by the government to testify against their clients. Please call us for a consultation at…



Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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Social Security Law Information

Social Security Attorney

Social Security Law Information

The complicated procedures of Social Security law involve a lot of attention to detail, very strict rules, and filling out complex forms to name just a few. One would think that in order to qualify for Social Security benefits, you would just have to show them that you have a debilitating condition and that would be that. And for some, that might be true, but for most, it involves much more work which could be challenging and overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with a chronic illness.

Although everyone has a right to represent themselves and even begin the process of applying for Disability benefits, people tend to have a lot of assumptions about what to expect and whether they need an attorney or not. Social Security law allows you to hire a Representative on your case to assist you and have a limited kind of power of attorney on your claim. This means, with the appropriate kind of paperwork, your Attorney can access medical records on your behalf to benefit the claim, make calls to the Social Security office for you, and a few other things. Social Security even has restrictions in place that don’t allow your Attorney Rep to charge more than 25% of your back payments. These are some examples of the protections you have if you’re not sure about hiring an Attorney.

There are also plenty of reasons why having a professional, knowledgeable, and experienced law firm on your case can be of great benefit to you. Filing an application online is relatively straightforward but could have a few questions and statements that some people don’t realize could be referred to again in the future. Social Security law will make it so officers on the SSA offices have to follow up on all the things you state on the application, from the facilities you receive treatment at, to the jobs you have had throughout the years. Certain details can be used against you, and some can help the case a lot as long as you remember to tell them. An Attorney is always aware of the things that can help strengthen a case, and we will be sure to remind you of what that is so we can also ensure Social Security knows what these details are and to follow up on them.

Gold Country Worker’s Comp Center will be there to fight for your benefits alongside you so you could have both the support and expertise from a law firm and ensure your case gets won. We can give you a free consultation and begin assisting you right away, so please call us at 530-362-7188.


Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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