Best Time to Contact a Workers Comp Lawyer in Sacramento

Can I get Disability?

Following a work-related injury, hiring a workers comp lawyer in Sacramento or Auburn can help you receive the benefits and money you deserve to overcome challenges during your recovery. The time after a work-related injury can be an extremely stressful and difficult time.

Medical bills begin to pile up and without being able to work you will have lost wages, making it difficult to pay other bills and living expenses. Workers’ compensation is meant to alleviate these concerns, though seeking these benefits, unfortunately, has its own challenges.

Unhelpful employers, aggressive insurance companies, and deadlines can all cause your claim to be rejected. This is why it is so important to know when to call a workers’ compensation attorney.  Recent studies have shown that California Workers’ Compensation insurance companies are now defending against claims more aggressively than ever before.

Continue reading to learn more about how a workers comp lawyer can help you or contact Gold Country Workers Comp Center today to schedule a free consultation. EARLY INTERVENTION WORKS!

Before Seeking a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

It is important to remember that there are several steps that you should do before reaching out to a workers comp lawyer in Sacramento or Auburn. The moment following a work-related injury or illness is contracted, you should begin notifying relevant parties.

Always notify your supervisor, the personnel department, and a union representative in the event you have one. Putting this off will continue to reduce your chances of receiving treatment and benefits you are entitled to. 

How a Workers Comp Lawyer in Sacramento  or Auburn Helps

A workers comp attorney is a lawyer that specializes in the field of workers’ compensation. Their experience helps them understand the procedures, intricacies, and challenges that injured employees face.

Although you can pursue your workers’ compensation claim on your own, most people who do so generally have their claims denied or are taken advantage of by the insurance company. An experienced workers compensation attorney will rigorously work for you to ensure that does not happen. 

Your Sacramento workers’ compensation attorney will ensure that all important documents are collected and every deadline is met. Another important task they fulfill is representing you during negotiations with the insurance company.

Most all employers pay for workers compensation coverage provided by an insurance company. The insurance company is responsible for handling workers compensation claims.  They often subcontract that work out to companies to evaluate and adjust the claim.

Most insurance companies and claims evaluators/adjusters will try to pay out as little as possible. In order to achieve this, they are advised by a team of skilled and experienced attorneys.

When you hire a workers comp lawyer in Sacramento, or Auburn they will represent you through the negotiation process with the insurance company. They will vehemently work to ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to and can handle the insurance company’s lawyers as well as assisting you with filing your initial claim. 

In all cases and for most all disputes, even seemingly minor ones, an attorney can seek a judicial order to resolve the dispute.  The workers’ compensation court (which in California is referred to as the Workers Compensation Appeals Board) can order the provision of the benefits that the adjuster won’t provide but to which you are entitled.  But getting a hearing set on the right issues is technical and problematic unless you have an attorney who specializes in California Workers’ Compensation law.  

During trial, your workers’ comp attorney can make the proper motions, present medical evidence, file everything on time, and much more. Your attorney will keep you informed every step of the way and should always seek your approval and  also keep you up-to-date on the litigation process.

Regardless of what part of the process your case is in, working with a qualified workers’ compensation lawyer can help improve the chances of gaining a successful resolution. Please contact our California workers’ compensation attorneys to learn more about how Gold Country Comp Center can help you secure the benefits you rightfully deserve. 

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Consult a Work Injury Attorney About Your Workers Compensation Settlement

Workers’ Compensation

After experiencing a work-related injury, workers’ compensation benefits become available. In order to make the most out of your case and receive workers’ compensation benefits that are sufficient for your needs, a workers’ compensation attorney should be consulted. If you’ve already hired a work injury attorney and a settlement is being offered, it’s important to know your options.

Accepting a settlement for your workers’ compensation benefits can be both advantageous and ill-advised. Understanding what you gain and give up by accepting a settlement will help to ensure you are making the best decision. Here is some general information about settling your workers’ compensation case.

Settling Can Eliminate Your Weekly Benefits Prematurely

A workplace injury can cause a multitude of problems that extend beyond recovering from the injury itself. One of the advantages to workers’ compensation comes in the form of weekly benefits to help pay for the medical expenses and lost wages associated with the injury.

Settling a workers’ compensation case can eliminate these weekly benefits and prevent you from being able to ever again receive them for that particular injury. Make sure to ask the work injury attorney you are working with to better understand if this is a worthwhile choice.

Medical Payments Might Continue

Workers’ compensation differs from state to state. In California, employers and insurers can be required to continue medical payments even after reaching a settlement. It depends on the structure of the settlement.   

Another important factor to consider is that, even if the insurers are required to continue medical payments, they might be more reluctant to do so after a settlement has been reached. This could develop into longer time periods or delays or even denials in getting needed treatment.  

The advisability of structuring a settlement that does NOT include future medical care may depend on your access to medical care through other programs, such as another job, MediCal (Medicaid), Medicare or private insurance.  Access to MediCal (Medicaid) and Medicare may be unavailable after a settlement, again depending on how the settlement is structured.   

All of these scenarios will be important to speak with your work injury attorney about in order to better understand the potential risks and difficulties. As you may have heard, consult with an attorney early on.  Initial consultations at many firms are free

The State Workers’ Compensation Agency Has to Approve Your Settlement

Even if you, your work injury attorney, and the insurance company all do agree on a settlement doesn’t mean that it will be accepted. Your settle will still have to be approved by a Judge at the state workers’ compensation agency before being finalized.  In California, that agency is called the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board.

Your settlement will only be approved if the judge agrees it is in your best interest and is satisfied that you are fully understanding of its terms.  I have seen many settlements approved in cases in which I’m not involved that, in my opinion, should not have been approved, and very rarely if ever is the injured worker at the hearing to provide input or ask the Judge questions.

Always Consult a Work Injury Attorney

Determining your workers’ compensation settlement is not as easy as looking at a number on a piece of paper. Workers’ compensation benefits are just as much about what you are entitled to as they are about what you will actually receive. Your doctor and the doctor your insurers work with could reach different conclusions, for one.  EARLY LEGAL INTERVENTION WORKS!

There are also the full range of disability benefits to consider, which many insurance companies will attempt to avoid by offering you a lump sum settlement in order to prevent ongoing payments for the duration of those benefits. Consulting a work injury attorney about your settlement is your best way of understanding whether or not the settlement is in your best interests.

Also, there are other disability programs and benefits available from other sources that should be coordinated with any settlement proposal.

If you have a workers’ compensation case near Sacramento and wish to speak with a California workers’ compensation attorney about your benefits or accepting a settlement, contact Gold Country Workers Comp Center. Our work injury attorneys provide free consultations and would be happy to help you navigate this process successfully.

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Questions to Ask Workers Comp Attorney Sacramento

Sue for Damages as a result of your injury

If you have suffered an injury at work, it is important to find a workers comp attorney Sacramento quickly who will represent you successfully. A work injury can not only cause you physical pain but can be financially devastating to you and your family. The time following a work injury can be difficult and extremely distressing.

In the case of a work injury, you are eligible for disability payments to help recover lost wages and for payment of medical bills by filing a workers’ compensation claim. The process of filing a workers compensation claim can be confusing, which could lead to a denied claim. A workers compensation attorney can guide you through the claim process and ensure a successful resolution.

Continue reading to learn what questions you should ask any workers comp attorney Sacramento you could potentially hire. These questions will help narrow down the selection and save you time.

How Long Have You Worked With Workers’ Comp Claims In California?

Experience is crucial to ensure you get the compensation you and your family deserve following a work injury. An experienced workers comp attorney Sacramento with years of experience understands the potential pitfalls of securing fair compensation. It is also important to consult with an attorney that specializes in workers’ compensation law.

Do You Have Experience With Similar Cases To Mine?

Depending on the circumstances of your injury and the industry you work in it, is important to consider a workers’ compensation lawyer who has represented clients with similar cases. A workers’ compensation attorney who has worked with similar clients will have a better understanding of how to file your claim and defending your right to fair compensation.

Do You Keep Current With California Workers’ Comp Laws?

A successful workers’ comp attorney understands the importance of continuing their education while keeping up-to-date on current laws. Workers’ compensation laws in California are in a constant state of change. A successful workers comp attorney Sacramento will consistently keep up-to-date with current law, which prevents them from being blindsided during the workers’ compensation process.

How Often Will You Update Me On My Case?

Although workers compensation lawyers are typically very busy with multiple clients, they should still be committed to keeping lines of communication open with each client. The workers’ comp lawyer you choose must be able to respond quickly to your questions, to keep you updated and informed on your claim. They will also be able to guide you through each step of the workers compensation claim process.

What Are Your Fees?

Knowing what fees your potential workers comp attorney Sacramento fees are is important before committing. Most workers compensation attorneys work on a contingency fee basis (12-15%), which means they receive a certain percentage of any compensation you receive. It is important to keep in mind that cheaper is not always better. Your potential workers comp attorney will be able to clearly define how they will be paid for their service and time.

Choosing Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center

For thirty-five years Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center has been dedicated to representing our clients’ interests and ensuring they receive fair compensation. Our compassionate team understands how stressful the period following an injury at work can be. We are proud to have helped countless people reach a positive outcome for their workers’ compensation claim. Contact us today to schedule a free case consultation or if you have any further questions regarding your workers’ compensation claim.

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