How A Workers Comp Injury Attorney Can Assist You

A workers comp injury attorney can assist you through the California workers’ compensation process following a work-related injury or illness. The time period following a work injury can be extremely stressful on you and your family.

Expensive medical bills are just one of the challenges of a work-related injury, however, and you are most likely entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. The situation is made even more difficult by employers and insurance companies that regularly deny workers’ compensation claims even when they are valid.  The claims adjuster’s job is to minimize the extent of medical care provided to you and minimize the indemnity paid to you.  They are trained and very experienced in doing this.

Instead of allowing this process to overwhelm you or having your workers’ compensation claim denied, hire a workers compensation lawyer to help. By hiring a workers comp attorney, you can drastically increase your chances of obtaining the benefits you deserve.

These dedicated workers comp attorneys are able to represent you through the process by communicating with the insurance company for you. Furthermore, they can collect the necessary medical evidence and negotiate a settlement that is fair.

It is important to remember that insurance companies have little interest in accepting your work-related injury or condition and will often fight you every step of the way. Workers compensation injury lawyers have the experience and dedication to give you a fighting chance.

Collecting Documentation And Evidence

The most common reason why most applicants are denied their workers’ comp claim is from not having the proper documentation and enough medical evidence. There is a multitude of paperwork related to the workers’ compensation claim that must be accurate and available when necessary.

A workers comp injury attorney is well versed in the documentation you will need for your workers’ compensation claim. Beyond the necessary documentation, you will also need to have sufficient medical evidence that backs your claim.

Gathering medical records, collecting depositions of medical experts, and testimony from vocational experts, among others, are all considered medical evidence. The workers’ comp attorney can maximize medical evidence to substantiate your claim and increase your chances of success.   

Additionally, workers’ comp attorneys will confirm you are being paid the right amount of indemnity on a weekly basis.  For example, a claim’s adjuster typically will not inform you that if you have two jobs and suffered a wage loss on both because of your injury that you can add the income from both jobs in determining what your temporary disability weekly pay rate should be.

Negotiating And Structuring Your Settlement Agreement

During the settlement negotiating and structuring stage, your attorney will have the experience to accurately estimate what your claim is worth, including benefits owed. They estimate this by considering a number of factors.

Past medical expenses, the extent of injuries, lasting impairments, lost wages, and other are all factors that workers comp attorneys are aware of.  The law already gives employers and their insurance carriers many advantages that without representation can be exploited to your disadvantage.  These attorneys also have experience in the underhanded tactics that insurance companies will often use to pay as little as possible.

Represent You In The Event Of A Workers’ Comp Hearing Or Trial

In the event that a fair settlement cannot be reached, your dedicated workers’ comp lawyer can represent you through the administrative hearing or trial before a workers’ compensation court. They can take the necessary steps to fortify your position by taking witness depositions, submitting paperwork on time, and more.

A workers comp injury attorney can also protect your rights in court if an insurance company attempts anything underhanded. For more information, schedule a free case consultation with a California workers comp lawyer here at Gold Country Workers Comp Center.

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Workers Comp Injury Attorney

Gold Country Comp