Sacramento Workers Comp

Sacramento Workers Comp

Many work injury claims vary from case to case, but you may be entitled to Sacramento Workers Comp if you were injured on the job nevertheless. There is a chance to get injured in almost any field of work, although there are of course some at higher risk of getting injured or developing health complications because of their work conditions.

Even in varied claims, a standard Sacramento Workers Comp injury claim will entitle you to benefits such as medical care to cure or relieve you from the effects of the injury, mileage and travel expenses incurred in connection with treatment, obtaining prescriptions, traveling to a deposition or to medical evaluations. Also, if your employer can’t or won’t offer you a lighter or modified job paying what you were making before you got hurt, you should receive weekly Temporary Disability payments based on your actual wage loss calculated on the basis of all earnings from all sources.

Some workers might be exempt from receiving workers’ comp benefits depending on the state they’re in, such as housekeepers, babysitters, agricultural workers, and undocumented workers. Whereas, in  Florida, for example, you may receive Sacramento Workers Comp if your job presented a hazard that was different than the “usual run of occupations,” or that the incidence of the disease is substantially higher than usual in your job.

The first thing you should do after suffering an injury of any kind is to seek medical help, but once you’ve done that, you should immediately call a law firm who handles Work Injury Compensation for a free consultation to find out if you are covered by the Workers’ Compensation laws. And in the unfortunate event of death, certain dependents can be entitled to benefits, so they should seek out a consultation to determine if the death of their family member was job-related.

After filing a claim for Sacramento Workers Comp benefits and contacting a Work Injury Compensation Attorney, it might be difficult to support yourself while not receiving an income. There are actually various programs that may be able to provide you with extra income while you are not working. One of the options is to file for Social Security Disability benefits, and your Attorney can actually help you through this process as well.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center can provide you with the money and benefits you deserve. Fees are a fixed percentage and contingent on a successful resolution of your case, so getting an attorney early in the process can not only save you time but money as well. So call (530) 362-7188 today for a consultation.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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